The City Media Group invitated Pavlina Vardoulaki Pryor for an interview 10 years after the start of her career as an architect and designer. The journey started when the Managing Partner of the CMG, Veneta Krasteva invited her to join the team as a Consultant and entrusted her with the key projects of the firm. A grand gesture of confidence in a young professional. Pavlina talked about her education at the UACEG and her lifelong Mentor Prof. Blagovest Valkov and how he inspired her not only as an architect, but taught her about design ethos. She continued her education at the AADRL and had the oportunity to join design collaboartions with Ferrari, Louis Vuitton, ZHA, F+P, Dubai Airport and is now leading Nike's 3D Design team for lifestile footwear. Pavlina also elaborated on DesignMorphine's newest endeavor, our new Master of Science Degree in Advanced and Computational Design which is accredited by the UACEG.